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Different PDF files for different language



This might be a really basic question but how do I handle for example product sheets in different languages?
My product is translated in serveral languages but the assets as far as I can see are still the same. Can you have different assets for different languages or how do I display a pdf manual that is specific for a language?



Jul 05, 2016 14:00


It's a good question - I'm not sure how our customers do it, but appearantly CommerceMediaCollection is non-culturespecific, so it's shared between all languages. 

I think you can try to create GroupName(s) for asset, such as Specs-en, Specs-sv, Specs-de, etc. Then the product sheets for en will be set in groupName specs-en and so on and so forth. When you need to get the product sheets for en, you can filter from CommerceMediaCollection and get the content link.

Note that this is what I think might work - it might not be the best way to do it. Because we have no best practices for this (yet) then you're not limited to one way.


Edited, Jul 05, 2016 14:28

Thanks Quan, that sounds as a good solution. Maybe we will get input from other users as well but this is a good start.


Jul 05, 2016 14:42

Hi, Kristoffer,

Have you checked this out?



Jul 05, 2016 16:49

Hvala Marija! I will definitly look into that. Looks really interesting.

Jul 05, 2016 16:55

Varsågod! :) :) :)

Jul 05, 2016 17:06
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