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Taxnomoy In EPI



Is there any taxonomy (Category/Keywords) based implementation or similar functionality present in EPI?

Please share your comments.



May 15, 2013 11:29

In EPiServer, content is created as pages belonging to a fixed node in the page tree. Each page is of a certain page type (or template type), e.g. Article, Blog post, News list etc.

While there is built-in functionality for creating global categories and assigning categories to a page, site structure and navigation is tied to the nodes in the page tree.

By taxonomy, I assume you're thinking about the way e.g Wordpress uses categories/tags/pages/posts to free the content from having a fixed place in the hierarchy?

EPiServer does not support this by default, however there is a new plugin that allows this behaviour (althought it requires implementing the commercial EPiServer Find search engine):

May 15, 2013 13:00

Hi Arild,

Thanks for sharing your ideas.

I have worked with Tridion Category/keywords. For example, while creating content based on schema/content type for a particular type for say News Cntent. I can assign a category in the content field that this is "Product" (category) related news and to be specific the Product type is :X/y/z (Keywords).

Is there anything in EPI like this or the plug in you are refereing?

Warm Regards,


May 15, 2013 13:06


Also, Can you please specify if EPI supports BLueprinting (Master/child content inheritence) and localization of content in Child? any similar methodology?

Is there any dynamic linking (dynamic content, needs to be published with the page) or similar functionality present here?


Thanks and regards,


May 15, 2013 13:10

No, EPiServer does not have a built-in equivalent to Tridions category/keywords functionality, EPiServer was designed to support tight coupling between content and structure. But the PowerSlice plugin I mentioned does support use of category/keywords (or tags).

As for your questions on Blueprinting & Dynamic linking, I see you have asked the same questions in another thread: so please try to avoid duplicate threads :-)


May 15, 2013 13:19


Thanks for the clear idea and sorry for the duplicacy :(

Can you please share your expert comments on the other thread as well?

Actually, we are planning to migrate to EPI server from Tridion and for that we are gathering information which will help in our functional analysis.

Thanks again.

With Regards,


May 15, 2013 13:25

Forgot to add that there are third party plugins (like TMCore from NetworkedPlanet) that can be integrated with EPiServer to create taxonomies to organize and connect content. 

May 16, 2013 0:46
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