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Issue with File Management link in EPiServer Admin Mode



When click on File Managment link in EPiServer CMS Admin mode, i am getting the following javascript exceptions.

Unterminated string constant - FileManagement.aspx

'SetupContextMenuHandler' is undefined - FileManagement.aspx

Also, the File management window shows the below junk lines of javascript code, Please help in resolving this issue.

Path: Documents
  ' ); wdoc.close(); } function handleDrag(e) { // Event handler for drag start of file. // Part of drag from file manager and drop into XHTML Editor. var dhtmlPath = GetSourceLink(e).getAttribute("dhtmlPath"); if(dhtmlPath!=null) { if (e._event){ // IE e._event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copy"; e._event.dataTransfer.setData("Text", dhtmlPath); } else { // Other browsers // Don't set effectAllowed since drop targets in Firefox on mac needs to specify // same dropEffect in dragover event and we want to be able to drop in input fields without registering this event. e.dataTransfer.setData("Text", dhtmlPath); } e.stopPropagation(); return true; } } function SetupContextMenuHandler(e) { if (document.getElementById("browserCell") != null) { EPi.AddEventListener(document.getElementById("browserCell"), "contextmenu", handleContextMenu); } } function handleContextMenu(e) { //we want context menu to appear when user clicked in browseArea (definied in Browse.acx) or below it var browseArea = document.getElementById("browseArea"); if (browseArea != null) { var offSetArray = getOffSet(browseArea); if (e.clientY >= offSetArray[0]) { handleItemClick(e,true); } } } function getOffSet(element) { var curtop = element.offsetTop; var curLeft = element.offsetLeft; while (element = element.offsetParent) { curtop += element.offsetTop; curLeft += element.offsetLeft; } return [curtop, curLeft]; } function handleClick(e) { var srcElement =; if(srcElement.getAttribute('IsToolEnabled')=='true') return; handleItemClick(e,false); } function handleItemClick(e,viewContextMenu) { var sourceElement = GetSourceLink(e); var dhtmlType = sourceElement.getAttribute('dhtmlType'); var isFavorite = sourceElement.getAttribute('isFavorite'); if(dhtmlType!=null) { //element is rendered from DragAndDropLinkButton which adds an attribute entryName with the value of Text var fileSystemObject = new FileSystemObject(sourceElement.getAttribute('dhtmlPath'), sourceElement.getAttribute('entryName')); if(!isSelected(fileSystemObject.path,dhtmlType)) { if(viewContextMenu || !e.ctrlKey) { ClearSelectedItems(); } handleSelection(e,fileSystemObject,dhtmlType); } else { if (!viewContextMenu) { if(!e.ctrlKey) { ClearSelectedItems(); } handleSelection(e,fileSystemObject,dhtmlType); } } } else if(viewContextMenu) ClearSelectedItems(); window.IsMultiSelection = (selectedFilesArray.length + selectedDirectoriesArray.length) > 1; window.IsMultiFileSelection = selectedFilesArray.length > 1; window.IsFileSelection = (selectedFilesArray.length == 1) && !window.IsMultiSelection; window.IsDirectorySelection = (selectedDirectoriesArray.length == 1) && !window.IsMultiSelection; window.IsAnySelection = (selectedFilesArray.length + selectedDirectoriesArray.length) > 0; window.IsFavoriteSelection = isFavorite != null && isFavorite == "true"; UpdateCommandTools(); if(viewContextMenu) { ContextMenu_557f2594_feff_4941_b24e_6ef62f50c76b.Show(e); } } function UpdateCommandTools() { var oDeleteButton = document.getElementById....

Thanks in advance.



Aug 12, 2013 18:38

Dear All,

       The issue has been resolved by uninstalling a new performance monitoring tool from the server. After uninstalling the tool, the File Management window got worked as before.




Aug 19, 2013 11:48

We are having the same problem. What exactly was the performance monitoring tool?

Nov 06, 2013 12:18

I've had similar problems with New Relic. There's a hotfix available from EPiServer support that fixes this.


Nov 06, 2013 14:25

Ah, here is the fix apparently....


Here is the fix for this:

Open DhtmlSupport.aspx in C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\Application\UI\CMS\Hosting



wdoc.write( '</head><body></body>' );



wdoc.write( '</he'+'ad><bo'+'dy></bo'+'dy>' );


please reset iis and delete temp folder after changing.


Best regards,

EPiServer Developer Support 

Nov 06, 2013 16:04
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