Marthin Freij

Marthin Freij

 Alias: Marthin Freij
 Company: Konstruktor Sweden AB
 Location: Sweden
 About me: Owner, developer and trainer at Konstruktor Sweden AB

CRP Information

Level: Novice
Total contribution points: 37 (gain 13 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 30, 2011

Hibernating Rhinos has two really good products for profiling applications that are using NHibernate or Linq to SQL, NHibernate Profiler and Linq t...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 30, 2010

Today I installed Page Type Builder 1.2 Beta 2 on my ongoing EPiServer CMS 6 project. I dropped the Page Type Builder assemblies in the bin folder,...

Posted on: Apr 30, 2010

Today I installed Page Type Builder 1.2 Beta 2 on my ongoing EPiServer CMS 6 project. I dropped the Page Type Builder assemblies in the bin folder,...

Posted on: Feb 11, 2010

Page providers requires some configuration. In addition to the obvious ones like name, type and entryPoint you should also define what capabilities...

Posted on: Feb 08, 2010

Recently I have spent some time implementing page providers for a customer. A couple of days ago I noticed that one of the page providers started t...