Anders Hattestad

Anders Hattestad

 Alias: Anders Hattestad
 Company: Itera Norge AS
 Location: Norway
 About me: I’m a developer and part of the Itera EPiServer team. Have worked with Content management systems for a decade, and EPiServer the last 5-6 year.

CRP Information

Level: Esteemed Citizen
Total contribution points: 1960 (gain 1040 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Posted on: Apr 12, 2016

There are great tool available for logging user actions on your site like google analytic, but sometimes you want to know more about how much time ...

Posted on: Feb 18, 2016

I got a problem with the search result using EPiServer.Search. The site is in Norwegian and is set to default langauge in site settings in admin. B...

Posted on: Feb 11, 2016

I have looked at different ways of implementing a dropdown list with dependencies. Have looke at Doong Nguyen’s solution but had problems making it...

Posted on: Feb 09, 2016

I work locally and move the site to a test server, and the search didn't work. The first problem was the http://IndexingService/IndexingService.svc...

Posted on: Feb 08, 2016

A quick tip for finding owner page. var contentAssetHelper = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ContentAssetHelper>(); var ownerNode = contentAsset...