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Giuliano Dore

Giuliano Dore

 Alias: Giuliano Dore
 Location: United Kingdom
 Twitter: GiuUnit

CRP Information

Level: Citizen
Total contribution points: 338 (gain 37 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Posted on: May 16, 2021

This article is following the introduction article I wrote previously

Posted on: May 11, 2021

I have been writing a number of posts about agency clients and use-cases for agencies pain points here on EPiServer World and on other blogging...

Posted on: May 08, 2021

During multiple meetings with different clients, we noticed lately that some of our clients were interested / looking for a solution involving a...

Posted on: Mar 13, 2021

As I have been working with CMS for a while, I always found content tree navigation to be one of the most important aspects of development for...

Posted on: Feb 20, 2021

Intro For one of our projects, we have the opportunity to migrate data from a uCommerce database / project into EPiServer Commerce. Migrating from...