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Mathias Kunto

Mathias Kunto

 Alias: Mathias Kunto
 Company: Neoleaf AB
 Location: Sweden
 Twitter: mkunto
 About me: I'm an OMVP currently working as a senior developer at Neoleaf AB in Stockholm. Originally I come from the northern part of Sweden, but I moved down here after I got my degree from Luleå University of Technology in early 2008. If I am not behind the keyboard coding, I am probably lifting something heavy, making holes in paper from a distance, or working on a bestseller. Photo by Viveka Österman

CRP Information

Level: Contributing Citizen
Total contribution points: 1068 (gain 432 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 14, 2023

At my current client we had the need to prevent the use of certain visitor groups in some of the content areas. I.e. some areas were only to suppor...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 17, 2023

Got this SqlException again moving a database from a client’s production environment into development. Thought I’d write a short note on resolving...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 20, 2023

Just a short piece on how to act on Optimizely‘s remote events. While in later versions you may use for instance RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ, still being ...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 16, 2023

Whilst setting up Optimizely 12 to work with RabbitMQ is rather straight forward, making it use ActiveMQ for transport instead requires a bit more...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 16, 2023

I’ve updated the ActiveMQ tester application with topic support as it is required by the Optimizely on-prem event provider (EPiServer.Events.MassTr...