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  • Posted on: Sep 18, 2017

    Notable Changes TinyMCE Package The TinyMCE editor and related plugin configuration features will be moved into a separate NuGet package as an add-on with its own versioning number and breaking changes. This is to allow us to have a release cycle...

  • Posted on: Sep 11, 2017

    In previous Episerver versions, a default view for the current content type was loaded when you navigated the content tree. By using a UIDescriptor, it was possible to change the default view for a specific ContentType. For example, in Alloy demo...

  • Posted on: Aug 17, 2017

    An update to let you know what breaking changes are planned for CMS Core, as we have done the last few years we plan for one breaking change release of CMS per year. With that said, please note that this is preliminary and subject to change. More...

  • Posted on: Aug 03, 2017

    Feature The ContentArea should Supported to limits a number of block inside it (for individual ContentArea ). When total blocks is over max limited size, the action links section should be hidden. When total blocks is over max limited size, editor...

  • Posted on: Jul 28, 2017

    Following this forum thread - Show overlay label for ContentArea when hovering in On-Page-Edit mode , I created a custom content area to resolve it (in Alloy MVC template). Firstly, to see how a property display its overlay label when hover, inspe...

  • Posted on: Jun 13, 2017

    This feature was released in CMS UI 10.10.0. What are Groups/Roles? Groups, or Roles, are already commonly used in the CMS to manage access rights and other settings that should apply to a group of users instead of setting them individually. A...

  • Posted on: Apr 10, 2017

    This is the last feature in Content Approvals before we remove the Beta tag and make it public.   This feature allows administrators to configure an Approval Definition  with require comments on Approve and/or Decline.     Once this is configured...

  • Posted on: Mar 14, 2017

    This feature is being released as a Beta feature in CMS 10.7.0 and is still under development. You can read more about how you enable Beta features in  Fredrik Tjärnberg’s blog post . Content Approvals  has so far been limited to Pages only. This...