Configure notifications
Describes how to configure the SMTP email notification features in Optimizely Commerce Connect 13.
Name of sender
- Locate the appSettings section in the web.config file or in the appSettings.config file, which should be in the website root folder.
- Change the value of the Mediachase.StoreEmail key to your store's email address.
- Change the value of the Mediachase.StoreTitle key to your store's title. This appears in the subject of the email that your store sends to customers.
email body formatting provider
- Locate your website's web.config file.
- Locate the node /Configuration/FrameWorkProviders/templateService.
- Add a custom template provider to provide a different format to your emails.
- Configure this provider to be the default provider.
SMTP account
- Locate your website's web.config file.
- Locate the node /Configuration/
- Add nodes for mailSettings and SMTP.
- Configure the nodes' attributes according to your SMTP server settings. For testing purposes, remove the user name and password attributes.
Example: SMTP account configuration
<smtp from="your email address" deliveryMethod="Network">
<network defaultCredentials="false"
host="url to your smtp server"
port="smtp servers port"
username=your username
password=your passwordsmtp>
Updated 6 months ago
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