Export and import meta-models
Describes how to export and import meta-models in Business Foundation (BF).
You can export and import meta-models. You also can compare two meta-models, which is useful during these operations.
The following classes are available in the Mediachase.BusinessFoundation.Data.Meta.Schema namespace.
Export meta-models
Export a meta-model to a file with the MetaModelGenerator class. By default, MetaModelGenerator exports all elements; use the SelectedElements property of the MetaModelGenerator class to export custom elements.
Example: Exporting a meta-model to a file
// Create MetaModelGenerator
MetaModelGenerator generator = new MetaModelGenerator();
// Use generator.SelectedElements to export custom elements
// Open DataContext
DataContext.Current = new DataContext(connectionString);
// Load Save Commands
SchemaDocument schema = new SchemaDocument();
generator.Schema = schema;
// Load Save Commands
XmlDocument xmlOutput = generator.Generate();
catch (Exception ex)
Compare meta-models
Before you import a meta-model, you should compare meta-models and create synchronization commands. You can export and compare an existing meta-model with the one you are about to import before importing it.
Example: Compare two meta-models and create synchronization script
// Load Imported Meta-Model
List<ModuleManifest> installedModules = new List<ModuleManifest>();
XmlDocument xmlSrcMetaModel = new XmlDocument();
// Load Modules From Source Meta-Model
foreach (XmlNode xmlManifestNode in
ModuleManifest manifest = McXmlSerializer.GetObject<ModuleManifest>(xmlManifestNode.OuterXml);
// Load SchemaDocument
SchemaDocument schema = new SchemaDocument();
// Load Original Meta-model
XmlDocument xmlDestMetaModel = new XmlDocument();
// Compare two Meta-models
SyncCommand\[] syncCommands = MetaModelSync.FindModifications(schema, xmlSrcMetaModel, xmlDestMetaModel);
// Save sync commands to file
McXmlSerializer.SaveObjectToFile<SyncCommand\[\]>(outputSyncFilePath, syncCommands);
catch (Exception ex)
Import meta-models
When importing a meta-model, follow these steps.
- Export the original meta-model.
- Compare it with the meta-model to be imported.
- Create synchronization commands (described in the previous section).
- Execute the synchronization commands.
Example: Loading and executing synchronization commands
// Open DataContext
DataContext.Current = new DataContext(connectionString);
// Load Sync Commands
SchemaDocument schema = new SchemaDocument();
// Load Sync Commands
SyncCommand\[] syncCommands =
// Apply Sync Command
using (TransactionScope tran = DataContext.Current.BeginTransaction())
MetaModelSync.Execute(schema, syncCommands);
catch (Exception ex)
Updated 12 months ago