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Create and display website content in different languages and display the user interface in different languages through the localization of user-facing texts.

Globalize in Commerce Connect

When describing the language concept in Optimizely, the following language setting types are mentioned:

  • System language. Controls date/time formatting, sort order, and so on.
  • User interface language. Controls the localized (translated) resources to display; determines the user interface language.
  • Content language. The preferred language when displaying content. Content can be a page, a block, or a product catalog item.

Conceptually, globalization in Optimizely Commerce Connect works the same way as in Optimizely Content Management System (CMS). To learn about language management, see Globalization.


The Commerce Connect user interface is available in many languages by default. You can localize it further with additional languages.

Commerce Connect user interface

You localize the Commerce Connect pluggable add-on user interface using the Optimizely localization services in the same way that the CMS does. See also Localization service.

Order data



This feature applies to Commerce Connect version 13.21 and higher.

By default, the localization of order data is enabled. If you do not use order data localization, you can disable it. Disabled order data localization saves storage and improves performance by reducing read/write operations.

To disable order data localization, set the OrderOptions DisableOrderDataLocalization to true in appsettings.json or inside ConfigureServices method of Startup.cs.

//appsettings.json { "Commerce":{ "OrderOptions":{ "DisableOrderDataLocalization": true } } } //Startup.cs public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.Configure<OrderOptions>(o => { o.DisableOrderDataLocalization = true; }); }

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