Index catalog content
Describes how to index catalog content using the Optimizely Search & Navigation in Optimizely Commerce Connect
To index typed catalog content on a site, install the NuGet package EPiServer.Find.Commerce. Catalog content is indexed in the same way that pages are indexed in Optimizely Content Management System (CMS). Use the indexed items when you make queries against the native Optimizely Search & Navigation API.
The FindSearchProvider, which is used by the search provider system, gets no hits from items indexed using EPiServer.Find.Commerce.
Event indexing
Catalog content is indexed when content is published through the catalog UI, the content repository API, the ICatalogSystem API, or when updating pricing or inventory.
Index scheduled job
The scheduled job Search & Navigation Content Indexing Job indexes catalog content as it does with other site content.
Index conventions
The catalog search attributes IncludeInDefaultSearch, IncludeValuesInSearchResults, SortableInSearchResults, and Tokenize have no effect on content indexed by EPiServer.Find.Commerce. You can only use these attributes when you index data through the search provider system.
To exclude properties from the index, or add extension methods for indexing, use the EPiServer.Find conventions as you do with CMS pages.
Search text field
You can use the [Searchable(false)] attribute to prevent a property from becoming a part of the search text field during indexing. This field adds the values for all properties that are marked as searchable. Public virtual properties with an empty get and set of type string and XHtmlString are automatically marked as searchable.
Use Search text for free text search:
Updated 12 months ago