Have you tried to write your own validation class that implements IValidate interface?
You could also use an InitializableModule to hook into the saving event:
// inside Initialize
ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentEvents>().SavingContent += DisplayModesInitialization_SavingContent;
void DisplayModesInitialization_SavingContent(object sender, ContentEventArgs e)
if (DatesNotValid(e.Content))
e.CancelAction = true;
e.CancelReason = "Your error message";
This does not seem to work in neither 7.12.1 nor 7.14.1 (I tried upgrading since it did not work in 7.12.1).
I receive the following:
After which the whole UI gets slow and hardly works. Bug?
Image upload does not seem to work either. :)
Here's a link: http://uploadpie.com/td2bX
I wrote a blog post a while back about using the IValidator interface that may be of use: http://www.david-tec.com/2012/06/EPiServer-7-Preview---IValidator-interface/
I am looking at adding validation to a Start Date and End Date - where the user can not enter an End Date before the Start Date. The code is in the pageType and will be used in the CMS for a page set up.
Is there any way that this can be done?