Dependency injection with page types


Is is possibel to use depnedcy injection with page type. I'm trying  to do the following

        private ISiteSettings _siteSettings;

        public ProductPageBase(ISiteSettings siteSettings)
            _siteSettings = siteSettings;

But i am getting the following error

Type 'Cds.Nitb.Web.Models.Pages.Product.ActivityPage' does not have any public default constructor and no IConstructorParameterResolver that handles it

I know that ISiteSettings does work with DI (StructureMap) as I am using it elsewhere. Is there soemthing else I need to do to getting it working with page types.


(Note- this could be an EPiServer Find nissue as the code crashes at the point where I do a find call - maybe not though)








Type 'Cds.Nitb.Web.Models.Pages.Product.ActivityPage' does not have any public default constructor and no IConstructorParameterResolver that handles it

May 13, 2014 9:45
private readonly ISiteSettings _siteSettings;

public ProductPageBase(ISiteSettings siteSettings)
	_siteSettings = siteSettings;

public ProductPageBase()
	_siteSettings = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISiteSettings>();


May 13, 2014 12:51

Thanks the additional constructor is waht i needed.

Thanks for your help

May 22, 2014 15:13
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