Have you added your hostname and startpage in Adminmode?
Under Admin -> Config -> Manage Website
You need to set sitename and hostname.
Had the same error and it was resolved by doing this.
Also check so no references exists to pagetypebuilder. In fact remove all the pagetypebuilder dll's you have in your project.
Thank Jens for your Reply.
Actually sitename and hostmane are ok and there aren't any reference to pagetypebuilder dlls too. Still wondering why this is happening. All these came into action after we did the 7.5 upgrade
Yes Jens, I have already gone through the forum post you have shared. "Revert to default" doesn't worked for me either. And also, this error is only appearing in one pagetype. Other pagetypes working fine.
Can you post the top part of your template for the pagetype (Codebehind)? Does the template for the pagetype have same inheritances as other working templates?
FROM tblContentType WHERE Name = 'YourPageType'
You could also take a look if the Guid on the pageType in EPiServer admin for your specific pagetype have any duplicates. Maybe it shares guid with StartPageType
Just a wild guess though. :-D
FROM tblContentType WHERE ContentTypeGUID = 'Guid for affected pagetype'
Thanks Jens for your prompt help. But there isn't any duplicate GUIDs or sharing GUID between 2 types in the DB
This is the pagetype
[ContentType(GUID = "75A99539-4462-4FCE-A533-3116714157C9",
DisplayName = "MyPageType",
Description = "My Page Type",
Order = 800,
AvailableInEditMode = true )]
[AvailableContentTypes(Include = new Type[] { typeof(MyPageType1), typeof(MyPageType2), typeof(MyPageType3) })]
public class MyPageType : PageBase
public class PageBase : PageBaseAbstract
public abstract class PageBaseAbstract : PageData
And this is the pagetemplate
public partial class MyPageTemplate : PageTemplateBase<MyPageType>
public abstract class PageTemplateBase<T> : TemplatePage<T> where T : PageData
Couple of week back we manage to resolve this issue. Root-cause for this problem was, we are using "classic" links (links that has "id" parameter in querystring ) in some part of our solution. By default Episerver 7.5 doesn't support query parameter "ID" (it's a 7.5 breaking change). So, as a solution, we have implement classic routing (using EPiServer.Web.Routing.ClassicLinkRoute) in our application and it's worked.
Recently we have upgrade our EpiServer CMS to 7.5 (from 7) and now we are getting following error when try to load some pages
"ContentData Cast. The requested type xxxxx is not compatible with Castle.Proxies.StartPageProxy" (in here I have replaced real page type with xxxxx)
Doing some debugging, we have found out that, this exception is coming when try to access PageLink of CurrentPage (i.e CurrentPage.PageLink)
Note: in our project, using PageTypeBuilder, all inbuilt EpiServer Page types are converted in to relevant Page Types and Templates