My guess is to implement your own factory method to append the data there
public class LinkItemSelectionFactory : ISelectionFactory
public IEnumerable<ISelectItem> GetSelections(ExtendedMetadata metadata)
//add the onchange event to the items here
return list;
and then in your Custom EditorDescription add
SelectionFactoryType = typeof(LinkItemSelectionFactory);
This stuff is very trial and error, best bet is to set an breakpoint and see what you got to deal with inside the factory.
Hi, Daniel, thx for your answer, however, this is not what I need, since it statically filles out the dropdown. I need to re-populate my dropdown when Page is selected. So, I need to change dojo code to hook to the page input widget onChanged event.
I am back to square one - I've managed to create a new tinymce button that adds a link to an anchor on a page.
Now, I have a new challange - I have to do the same for the linkitemcollection.
I have managed to render the dropdown in a link item using:
I "just" need to get hold of the Page widget, so that I can connect on its onChange event. The rest I can easily reuse. Can I do that from ExtendedItemCollectionEditor (at the moment, a copy paste of ItemCollectionEditor)?
Every help appreciated.