Only EPiServer.Global: 1.2.5 Unhandled exception in ASP.NET :(
When I switch web.config to debug mode, nothing is logged.
As a workaround, I'll backup the DB and export pages when I restore it locally until I manage to fix this.
If you pull up a command prompt on the server and type "set", it should show all the environment variables. Is there a path defined for "TEMP" and/or "TMP"?
On a successful export test I just did, it looks like it drops a file with extension ".tmp" ("tmp3282.tmp") in that directory before saving the ExportedFile.episerverdata file in the location you choose. Aside from the filename, the files match. Maybe it can't access that temp location for some reason?
[Edit: I just now noticed the year on the previous comments; oops.]
Good inputs thought, thx!!
// I was reading your answer, I should've definitely updated it when I fixed it (I have absolutely no memory of this now :D).
I have an intranet with windows mode and ad authentication. When I try to export data either from IE or Firefox, I get the following error:
The answer I got on support is that I should talk with the client's IT and that is most probably related to server setup. However, I am not sure I would get further ahead if I send this to the client, since they would probably not know what to do about it.
Googling the errors results in changing the code related to Reponse.Flush and Response.End, but it's an epi built-in tool, so I can't mess with that.
I have disassembled the EPiServer.UI and I can see that the temp location is set using this.ExportedFileLocation = Path.GetTempFileName();.
However, I don't find this file when I search for *.episerverdata on the whole C:\, does anyone know how I can find it?