That should work, and your structure looks correct to me. Keep in mind that you'll have to restart the site to get the updated values though. And make sure you clear the cache.
No, but you can create common translation for PageData (I think) and IContentData
<contenttypes> <!-- Common property names shared between all IContentData --> <icontentdata> <properties> <PageTitle> <caption>Title</caption> </PageTitle> </properties> </icontentdata> </contenttypes>
I know for sure that it doesn't work that well for blocks. E.g. if you use a block as a property you cannot have common translations for BlockData.
Are you sure about that, Johan? It works on an alloy site
Edit: For page types that is
Not 100% sure. But pretty sure I've tested this without any luck. I know for sure that having common translations for local blocks / blocks as properties doesn't work. I reported this as a bug, because it used to work in previous versions of Episerver, but it was not accepted as a bug and won't be fixed.
This I know works:
<contenttypes> <!-- Common property names shared between all IContentData --> <icontentdata> <properties> <PageTitle> <caption>Title</caption> </PageTitle> </properties> </icontentdata> <pagedata> <properties> <PageTitle> <caption>Title</caption> </PageTitle> </properties> </pagedata> <blockdata> <properties> <PageTitle> <caption>Title</caption> </PageTitle> </properties> </blockdata> </contenttypes>
But if you use a block as a property, the above common translations in <blockdata> will not apply. You have to have specific translations for the exact block data type.
In an Alloy site, running Episerver 10, it works. For instance, the NewsPage type could inherit the translation values located in the<sitepagedata> or <standardpage> sections. That is for simple properties though. I did not try with blocks - but I trust that you are correct :-)
Hi guys,
Thanks for your replies! It appears that it does work and that I was in fact having a caching problem. Is there a good way to force an update for stuff like this? I have tried to restart the website in IIS and also did a rebuild of the solution but the cache persists.
I am struggling with an issue with inheritance in respect to localization of content types. I have several base classes (content types) that all contain their own properties that I’d like to translate into multiple languages.
The following is a simplified example to explain my problem:
(The classes are of course in reality set as content types with their own GUID etc.)
Is it possible to make something like the following work?
When I create a new NewsArticlePage I would like all its properties inherited from its base classes to be translated with respect to this XML. Currently I can’t get this to work and the only workaround I can figure is to manually translate all properties for all pages, which results in a lot of duplicate text.
Thanks in advance for any responses.