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The Type 'EPiServer.Core.PropertySettings.PropertySettingsWrapper' needs to be remapped in the Dynamic Data Store



Since yesterday, all of sudden I am getting "

The Type 'EPiServer.Core.PropertySettings.PropertySettingsWrapper' needs to be remapped in the Dynamic Data Store" error when I try to add one fo the PageType that I have created.

There is no upgrade or any deployment done on the site, can someone advice what are my options to resolve this issue.

The extract fo error I am getting is :

The Type 'EPiServer.Core.PropertySettings.PropertySettingsWrapper' needs to be remapped in the Dynamic Data Store, see the Errors collection for more information.
Remapping can be done by applying the EPiServer.Data.Dynamic.EPiServerDataStoreAttribute attribute to the type,
setting its AutomaticallyRemapStore property to true and ensuring the autoRemapStores attribute in web.config is set to true (or is not defined).

and this is @ cm/UI/shell/Stores/metadata/EPiServer.Core.ContentData?modelAccessor=%7B"parentLink"%3A"41553_182082"%2C"contentTypeId"%3A757%7D&dojo.preventCache=1520605305843



Edited, Mar 09, 2018 15:46


For anyone who comes up here, my solution was as follows.

I manage to resolve this issue by comparing database on the Staging server which was throwing an error with the database o the Development server which was working.

I found that some extra Views, SP's and additional entries in tblSystemBigTable presesnt in the offending database, upon deleting them the error went off.




Mar 09, 2018 17:36
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