Language: Swedish
When editing page -> Typ: Start Page
Admin/Innehållstyp name in list -> [Area1Site] Start page
When editing [Area1Site] Start page from admin -> Namn: StartPage(1), Visningsnamn : Start page
Url : ../episerver/Cms/#context=epi.cms.contentdata:///314&viewsetting=viewlanguage:///sv
In theory, you could add xml tag for StartPage(1), StartPage(2) in the language file by encoding the special characters (e.g.
But unfortunately we currently don't support tag name with special characters. I did bring this issue to my team (EPiServer CMS UI), but it was agreed to be closed as design.
So what you could do is to change the pagetype name to be StartPage1.cs, StartPage2.cs... (or other more meaningful names), then you will not have issues with translating them
We are building an EPiServer site with Areas. There is a main site that is based on Quicksilver and it has a StartPage.cs pagetype. Then there are two more sites in separate projects on the same solution that are based on the areas structure and each one has its separate StartPage.cs pagetype. The problem is when I try to translate them to swedish the name remains in english though the translation works for other pagetypes that are unique on a specifc site. In the admin/pagetypes the pages appear as following: Start page, [Area1Site] Start page , [Area2Site] Start page and on each one of them the name is Startpage, Startpage(1), Startpage(2). And xml is as following
How can I translate those pagetypes?