You want to include Anonymous users in your MappedRole?
If so, you could add the Anonymous role to the mapped role, like this:
<add name="CustomRole" type="EPiServer.Security.MappedRole, EPiServer.Framework "roles="CustomRole, Anonymous" mode="Any" />
That way you do not need to add your CustomRole claim to Anonymous users in code.
Here's how I solved the issue. You need to override the CurrentPrincipal object by a new principal by CreatePrincipal method. It is then possible to use IsPermitted method on those users.
//create a principal using user id, otherwise IsPermitted does not work
var userImpersonation = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IUserImpersonation>(); PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal = userImpersonation.CreatePrincipal("some userId");
var user = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal as ClaimsPrincipal;
I defined couple of virtual roles and some permission types in the system I am working on. The virtual roles are there in order to assign permissions to the roles using Permissions for Functions. After doing these I can assign specific permissions for the user role.
(Other Episerver roles)
<addname="CustomRole"type="EPiServer.Security.MappedRole, EPiServer.Framework"roles="CustomRole"mode="Any" />
The virtual roles are assigned to CurrentPrinciple under runtime by adding a Claim to the user. The claim is defined as:
And added to user by
I can then query the database with
and it works as expected as long as I am logged in as Episerver admin. However, IsPermitted function returns always false if the user is anoynmous even though the user has the claim "CustomRole".
Am I missing something in order to use IsPermitted function for anonymous users?
Thanks in advance.