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Anchor tags doesn't work


Hello Experts,

I am trying to create an Anchor on a text in a page in Episerver CMS and then linking that Anchor to a specific topic/text on the same page. unable to see the created Anchor link. 

Could you please suggest what is wrong here?



Oct 06, 2021 11:41
Sujit Senapati - Oct 07, 2021 16:22
Please share the version of CMS.

I was able to test it on CMS 11. And it works for me. 

Please note, out of the box achors only usable in the same rich text editor as it is created. Within the same RTE you can create and use it as a link. If you are trying to use an anchor created in different RTE, it won't work.

~ Sujit

Oct 07, 2021 17:10
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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