Can you navigate to the product you are trying to link to, does it have a working URL? Do you set up the routes for catalog content (calling CatalogRouteHelper.MapDefaultHierarchialRouter) in initialization?
CatalogRouteHelper.MapDefaultHierarchialRouter was indeed missing. Everything works nice now, thanks Magnus.
When linking to ie. a product the link is always empty (resulting in a Name tag), no matter which method I use; Html.ContentLink, Url.ContentUrl or UrlResolver.GetUrl
I've checked the usual suspects such as access/publish filters and HasTemplate()
The product has a controller and view and can be preview fine in edit-mode.
Using CMS 7.5 and Commerce 8.0 with latest the patches.
Could it be some provider-config thats missing?
Any suggestion on how to proceed troubleshooting is greatly appreciated.