November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
<Command id="cmdCatalogCurrenciesDictionary"> <CommandType>ClientAction</CommandType> <ClientScript>CSManagementClient.ChangeView('Catalog', 'Currencies-List')</ClientScript> <EnableHandler type="Mediachase.Commerce.Manager.Apps.Catalog.CommandHandlers.CatalogPermissionEnableHandler, Mediachase.ConsoleManager" /> </Command>
Create a similar command for the button, or in javascript call the cahnge view function like the clientscipt above
I have a requirment to create a custom tab in CatalogManagement >Currencies > . Need to Fetch warehouses, based on Warehosue selection, inventory should be displayed and when we update Inventory and click on Custom Button. System should redirect to Currency Page. But for me, if i click on custom button, it is landing in same Custom Tab page. Can any one please assist, on how to redirect to Currency list page(Same functionality which is happening for Predefined OK button in EPI 7.5 Commerce)
Many Thanks in advance