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Quote from service with non catalog products




For a customer we’re implementing a service where a customer can get a quote from a store and then pay online. They enter their quotenumber and zip code and can then check the products and total price. If everything is OK, they pay and their quote is converted into an order.

The issue is that not all products in the quote are in the EpiServer commerce catalog. This makes it impossible to convert a cart to an order in Episerver as it cannot validate the lineitems.

How would you recommend we implement this? Hope you can help!

Mar 23, 2017 15:23

I think you can build this feature with special cart (with a special name, like "Quote"). You can create a cart, set the price, then send to the customer, which can open the link to the cart. If they agree then they can convert it to purchase order.

Mar 23, 2017 16:28

Hi Quan,

Thanks for your quick reply.

So if I understand correctly, it doesn't matter to Episerver that the lineitems in the "Quote" cart are not in the catalog? I would think that in validating a cart and creating an order would fail as it wants to check prices and run discounts etc. 


Mar 23, 2017 16:56

By the default implementation, yes, it will validate the items and remove the lineitems if the items are not in the catalog. But you can override that (and/or not running certain workflows)

However I find it strange to sell items you don't have in your catalog - even by quoting ... 

Mar 23, 2017 17:03

Hi Quan,

That's because physical shops have other products than the website and I don't want to have the offline catalog as well.

I will try overiding as you mentioned. Thanks again.


Mar 24, 2017 17:03
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