You should be able to use decimal type. Decimal is the backing type for Decimal, Numberic and Money.
Thanks, but i don't get it to work,
[Display(Name = "ListPrice", Order = 1)]
public virtual decimal ListPrice { get; set; }
I get
A meta field with the same name as the property 'ListPrice' exists, but has another data type. Property type: ShortString. Meta field type: Money
When i try with string i get
The property 'ListPrice' on content type 'VariationContentBase' is of type 'System.Decimal' that cannot be backed by PropertyString, it only only supports types String.
Trying with float:
A meta field with the same name as the property 'ListPrice' exists, but has another data type. Property type: Float. Meta field type: Money
The error message is quite clear:
"A meta field with the same name as the property 'ListPrice' exists, but has another data type. Property type: ShortString. Meta field type: Money"
So you created a property with type ShortString before. Two properties can't have same name but different type. You need to delete that one.
Also in this case BackingType is not needed.
okey, but i don't want to delete it, since the property is in use, also there is no delete button available in Old Commerce Manager on metafield.
Remember i trying to make a strongly type product of an existing MetaClass =)
I interpreting the error message as "Hey, you are trying to do this, but there is allready a property of that type"
Hi all,
Im migrating an legacy epi commerce to objects with strongly typed properties.
How do i do with MetaDataPlus types that are Money?
Is Money to be used or replaced?
Version 10.4
"A meta field with the same name as the property 'ListPrice' exists, but has another data type. Property type: LongString. Meta field type: Money."