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Menu with 2 levels

Im very new to EpiServer and my question is; What is the "best" way to build something like this ... Left/root -menu (something like this) The meny will only consist of maximum two visible levels, not all top-levels has children, BUT the children (inner ul-list) to, for example "item1" shall only be rendered if either "page1.aspx" is accessed or some of its children (page1-0.aspx or page1-1.aspx). And one more thing, some sublevels shall not be visible in this menu (I suppose I have to use some property like "visible in left nav" = true/false ). Witch classes / controls shall I use to get this working ? I anyone could help me with this I'll be very thanksful
Jun 01, 2005 23:14
Hello Richard, I think we almost solved what you are looking for.. We used a pagetree that looked like this. What differs here from your wanted solution is that we have not ul-tags around the level two objects. Instead have we add a li-tag with a special css class. Its quite tricky to get the ul-tags around all level two objects. Might give you some ideas on how to solve your thing. /Johan
Jun 07, 2005 15:56
Hi ! Thank you very much!!! But I think I've solved the problem by myself!! It seems like the solution below works (its the exakt code, and its placed inside a ascx -control), please comment this if there is anything I should do in a different way :
  • ]]>
  • ]]>
  • ]]>
  • ]]>
  • #13991
    Jun 07, 2005 17:19
    Looks like your solution solved your problem nicely. I used the pagetree control since I wanted to have both the first and second level exanded all the time. /Johan
    Jun 07, 2005 17:29
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