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Hi! I need to filter a pagedatacollection from pages that have a show/not show propterty set to null. I found FilterRemoveNullValues that sounded like a perfect function, but it doesn´t work for me. Can someone help me with some examplecode? Thanx /Helena
Jan 21, 2008 16:20
You should be able to do like this: EPiServer.Filters.FilterRemoveNullValues filter = new EPiServer.Filters.FilterRemoveNullValues("PropertyName"); EPiServer.Core.PageDataCollection pdc = GetChildren(Global.EPConfig.StartPage ); filter.Filter(null, new EPiServer.Filters.FilterEventArgs(pdc)); The filter will remove the pages where the "PropertyName"-value is null. /Øyvind
Jan 30, 2008 13:02
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