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Creating installation package using the episerver wix-tool


I'm using the EPiWix project template i found in Fredrik Tjärnbergs blog ( toghether with the latest wix build (3.0 something).

All my files are copied and deployed as they should, but i'm having some trouble modifying the web.config file. What i want to do is to add the xml for a dynamic property, and some appsettings values.. 

So, if anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated Smile



Jan 06, 2009 14:45

Have you created a .xmlupdate file and specified the Update-EPiXmlFile in your .ps1 file?

Have a look at for reference. I know people from EPiServer Norway (Mari) have been involved in modifying this .ps1-file.

I havent verified that this actually works, but it might lead to the right direction...

Jan 07, 2009 7:56

I'll check it out!


Jan 07, 2009 8:43

That did the trick!

I just created an xmlupdate file in my project,
added these lines from to the .ps1 file 

Update-EPiXmlFile -TargetFilePath $destinationFolder\Web.config -ModificationFilePath $sourceTemplateFolder\web.config.xmlupdate
Remove-EPiFiles -DirectoryPath $destinationFolder -Include "*.xmlupdate"

and finally  i added the file reference in the .wxs fil.

When i installed the module, all updates were made and it worked like a charm. 

Thanks for the helpSmile


Jan 07, 2009 9:20
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