Page Type



Is it possible to create a PageType without background aspx page. Pagetype without fileName.But available in Edit Mode.

Oct 20, 2010 16:10

You could before, but nowadays you have to provide an .aspx-page. BUT, the .aspx-file does not need to exist.

Otherwise you could create a "/Templates/Pages/Empty.aspx" and use that one.

Oct 20, 2010 16:24

Erik is right -- you have to input it, but it doesn't have to exist.  But then it throws a 404.

We usually create an ASPX file called "null.aspx" which does...nothing ("blank.aspx" would probably be a better name).  It displays nothing but a blank screen.  We map a handful of types to this if they have no reason to display anything.

Oct 20, 2010 17:51

Beware that you probably have input a valid, albeit non-existent, path. A colleague accidently pasted a string containing more text than the path, and when saved the page type could no longer be opened to edit the path again. I think he later removed it from the database directly. The string he accidently pasted caused some unhandled exception when the VPP tried to resolve it to a physical path.

Oct 20, 2010 18:19


Thanks for the reply...............:)

Oct 21, 2010 12:04
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