It looks correct according to the SDK. I've not tested the code myself though.
Spontenous answer Episerver support usually gives is "try to upgrade to a later version".
In case you don't have time to upgrade to 11, at least try to upgrade to latest version within Episerver 9 (NuGet Package). Or copy your code into an Alloy Website running the latest version of Epi.
For comparison I generally compare my code with the examples in Alloy or as I just mentioned copy my code into Alloy.
I wouldn't upgrade just yet. i filed a bug with epi on the version 11 where it will add the first modeltype and 1 display option but omits the others. The above code looks right though. For some reason, worth a check, does it view exist in the right path? BlockPath("xxxx.cshtml"). does the view exist?
@Joshua - yes the view does exist in the right path, and it renders correctly in the preview when I set AvailableWithoutTag = true.
@Alf - I'll try the upgrade and that's a good idea about using Alloy to test this functionality to see if it works in the latest version.
while I was writing these series of blog posts I came throught A LOT of stuff how that actually works, but it's a bit rusty now in my memory..
maybe you can find some answers there tho...
I can say this issue was fixed in a bug i filed. I upgraded to the version it was fixed in and appears to be working now. It would only register the first model and ignore the additional display options/tags.
I am using multiple display options on my website and am trying to set up a block so that it only uses one of the display options. I have got the following display options set:
In my TemplateCoordinator I do the following:
However, when I look at the CMS, I can see the following:
"The block 'Full width text block' cannot be displayed as /displayoptions/onehundred
The block 'Full width text block' cannot be displayed as /displayoptions/thirty
The block 'Full width text block' cannot be displayed as /displayoptions/seventy
The block 'Full width text block' cannot be displayed as /displayoptions/fifty
The block 'Full width text block' when displayed as /displayoptions/full
The block 'Full width text block' cannot be displayed as /displayoptions/twentyfive"
As you can see, it looks like it's trying to display the display option with the "full" tag as requested, but for some reason it can't. Even more strangely, If I set AvailableWithoutTag to true, all the views get rendered correctly for the block, including "full". This leads me to think there is a bug in episerver (I'm using version 9), but maybe i'm missing something?
Thanks for any help,