Yes, that can be done using blocks. You can also take a look at in case you want to avoid "blocks inside blocks".
have you any documatation on how i would get all instances of the block type? i can seem to find much.
not sure the property list would work as there is a lot of infor to be display in the brach block? and only two parts for the locations block.
Check Erik's answer:
I have a current episerver site that uses a map to show locations of branchs. I believe that each branch is a page (though not visable other that a list in another page), with this page is the longitude and latitude.
these are then passesd to another page that displays them on a map.
We need to re build this, can this be done using blocks rather than pages?
so each block would hold all the branch info and then the map block would pull all the loction fields in?