You can create your own validator class by implementing EPiServer.Validation.IContentSaveValidate<T>. You cn find more info here
Remove the required-attribute on DownloadPdfText, and add this class. Change CustomBlockType to your blocktype.
public class CustomBlockValidator : IValidate<CustomBlockType> { IEnumerable<ValidationError> IValidate<CustomBlockType>.Validate(CustomBlockType customBlockType) { if (customBlockType.DisplayPdfButton && string.IsNullOrEmpty(customBlockType.DownloadPdfText)) { return new[] { new ValidationError { ErrorMessage = "You can't hava a button without text, stupid!", PropertyName = CustomBlockType.GetPropertyName(block => block.DownloadPdfText), Severity = ValidationErrorSeverity.Error, ValidationType = ValidationErrorType.AttributeMatched } }; } return Enumerable.Empty<ValidationError>(); } }
I have a Block Type wich has these two properties.
I only want DownloadPdfText to be required if the user sets DisplayPdfButton to True. - Is this possible to do in Episerver?