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Filter Visitor Group under Personalize Menu- Content Editor.


Hi All, Need your thoughts on the scenario here. EPI populates a set of available visitor groups under the Personalize Menu in the Content Editor. what i'm looking to do is to filter the visitor group based on my input. Any help would be really appreciated.

on my input - the question can be rephased as i have to filter the visitorgroup based on the site.

I have added a comment how this can be achieved.

Edited, Aug 07, 2019 20:30

Sorry I don't understand what you mean when you say...

"what i'm looking to do is to filter the visitor group based on my input."

What is my input? Can you please reword this part of your question to explain what you want to achieve?

Aug 08, 2019 0:11
MJ - Aug 08, 2019 0:42
Let’s say I have 10 visitorsgroup and I have 2 users. User1 has access for visitorgroup 1 to 6 and the user2 has access for remaining 4. Based on the user login I have to display the number of items on the personalize menu in contenteditor section.
Note- created a custom criterion to create the visitorgroup for user specific .

Thanks for asking to clarifying the question Darren. It had me scratching my head too!

Manoj - I'd question the use case. User1 and User2 will both be able to go into the visitor group management screen and see/modify them all there anyway.... is this a convenience thing or a permissions thing?

If its a permissions thing it doesn't makes sense at all (there are no permissions on a per-visitor group within the platform).

If its a convenience thing, I'd suggest that the effort to modify the platform behaviour (if it is possible) would not be worth it.

Aug 08, 2019 1:50

Hi All, Thanks for the valuable comments. I have hijacked the webapi calls in episerver and added a custom code which displays the visitorgroups data based on each site level. The scenario is, Let's say i have 10 Visitor groups and 2 sites (Site-1 has 6 vg's and Site-2 has 4 vg's). The motive is to display only the site-1 vg's on site-1 and the same way for site-2. 

Workaround - I created an Criterion, which can be added as part of each visitorgroup. based on the criterion added at the time of creation, we can filter the data based on the site.


Sep 12, 2019 18:54
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