Is there a reason why it´s no longer possible to create pagetypes with .ascx fileextension in EPiServer CMS SP1? After installing SP1, the only filetype that is allowed seems to be .aspx.
In previous versions (EPiServer CMS R1 and older) you could save pagetypes with any fileextension, for example ascx. I´m just wondering why now, all of a sudden, you cannot do this anymore. Have some functionality that is based on the use of ascx-controls as pagetypes.
I assume you mean the file name for a page type, which is supposed to point to a template to render pages based on the page type.
EPiServer generates links to pages, and you cannot link directly to an ascx file (it need to be rendered in context of a web form).
I would say that the restriction is correct (although it has not been enforced before.) I could be wrong though. :-) What type of functionality do you have for this? I'm really curious.