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The Export-EPiUpdates function expect the /packages folder to live beside the project folder.
But thats not always the case, as the /packages lives where the .sln file is found.
In our projects we normally use a structure as the following/trunk/ -> her solution files and build scripts live
/trunk/src/ -> here all projects lvie
/trunk/packages/ -> contains all packages
the script expects the packages folder to be found inside /trunk/src/packages/
Would it be possible to look for the current .sln file or step back through the folder until you find a packages folder?
The Export-EPiUpdates function expect the /packages folder to live beside the project folder.
But thats not always the case, as the /packages lives where the .sln file is found.
In our projects we normally use a structure as the following
/trunk/ -> her solution files and build scripts live
/trunk/src/ -> here all projects lvie
/trunk/packages/ -> contains all packages
the script expects the packages folder to be found inside /trunk/src/packages/
Would it be possible to look for the current .sln file or step back through the folder until you find a packages folder?