I just found Geta.Tags
This would be what I want, but is not available for v12. Is there an alternaitve?
There is a version of Geta Tags for Optimizely CMS 12 though it's had a slight name change:
Alternatively, if you have access to Search and Navigation (Find), you should be able to use that to query the content you're looking for.
I would like to generate pages programatically with content, that has a specific property set, like a tag. I've tried with the "categories", but could not find a way to fetch only blocks with a specific category.
So here the story:
An editor creates blocks in the backend and assigns some kind of tags to them. So one block could have none, one or even some tags assigned. So a block would have a property "tags" as a multiselect from some SelectionFactoryType.
Now I call a page with lets say a GET-param with one tag-name. The controller of the pagetype gets the tagname from the GET, searches for all blocks with this tag and displays then in the page-content-area.
I've found the FindPagesWithCriteria(), but this gives me pages. I like this have this for blocks.
Does this exist or do I have to create my own database fetch?
This could also be very handy for the headless approach, where I would deliver content-blocks with specific attributes.
Thanks for any hints