Hi Giedrius,
Do you collect more information in the redirected page? If yes, you can split the form to multiple steps on multiple pages (put form on all pages, configure each step to display on desire page, visitor presss next step will be redirected to next page).
If you want to redirect after visitor finalized his submission, please see this article to develop your own Thank you page.
- Your Forms1 always redirect to "Thank You Page1", as a controller.,
- you can have information about the Form and the has-just-submiitted FormSubmission via url parameters.
- Base on that parameter, you fetch the FormSubmission, and display/redirect the page as you want.
Yes I want to redirect after finalized submission.
Your provided link seems to be broken somehow.
I'd like to use episrver forms as a base for wizards, that is I'd like to redirect user to different pages after submissions. However I don't see a way to do that?
I can implement an actor with all the redirect logic and return appropriate url, however there doesn't seem to be any way to use thart as redirect.
Is there any provisions to this?