I have a simple list called "ExcludeFolders" which I need to use for a filter.:-
static IList ExcludeFolders = new List { "/Documents/", "/Accounts/" };
I am using a filter to exlude
if (ExcludeFolders.Count > 0) { foreach (var excludeFolders in ExcludeFolders) {
filterForFolders = filterForFolders.And( x => (!x.MatchTypeHierarchy(typeof(UnifiedFile)) | !((UnifiedFile)x).VirtualPath.Match( excludeFolders)));
} query = query.Filter(filterForFolders); }
The above query is correct and giving me results only if the string values in my excludefolders list exactly match to the virtual path string. I uderstand this is the default functionality for Match.
However I want my filter to work like a "Contains" string function. i.e it should only look for certain words not the whole string and if it contains it, give me the result. But if I use that in above code !((UnifiedFile)x).VirtualPath.Contains( excludeFolders))); It starts complaining you cannot apply a filter to type bool. That means I need to use onl filter type method
Can I achieve the results using any existing filters of Episerver find?I would appreciate if I can get a sample example. .
Dear experts,
I am using CMS 6 R2 compatible version of Find. I want a functionality in find filters similar to string contain functionality.
I have the following data under Find Index overview for VPP folders
I have a simple list called "ExcludeFolders" which I need to use for a filter.:-
static IList ExcludeFolders = new List { "/Documents/", "/Accounts/" };
I am using a filter to exlude
if (ExcludeFolders.Count > 0)
foreach (var excludeFolders in ExcludeFolders)
filterForFolders = filterForFolders.And( x => (!x.MatchTypeHierarchy(typeof(UnifiedFile)) | !((UnifiedFile)x).VirtualPath.Match( excludeFolders)));
query = query.Filter(filterForFolders);
The above query is correct and giving me results only if the string values in my excludefolders list exactly match to the virtual path string. I uderstand this is the default functionality for Match.
However I want my filter to work like a "Contains" string function. i.e it should only look for certain words not the whole string and if it contains it, give me the result. But if I use that in above code !((UnifiedFile)x).VirtualPath.Contains( excludeFolders))); It starts complaining you cannot apply a filter to type bool. That means I need to use onl filter type method
Can I achieve the results using any existing filters of Episerver find?I would appreciate if I can get a sample example. .
Many thanks,