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Unable to exclude pagefiles from indexing in EPiServer 7.1



I'm implementing EPiServer Find on an EPiServer 7.1 project, and I'm having trouble excluding page files from the index. I've tried different approaches in an initialization module:


ContentIndexer.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf().ShouldIndexPageFile((p,f) => false);

FileIndexer.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf().ShouldIndex(f => false);

FileIndexer.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf().ShouldIndex(f => false);

...and so on. I'm able to disable indexing of pages and global VPP files, so I'm sure the module is running. Also, is it the ContentIndexer or the FileIndexer that's responsible for indexing page files in EPiServer 7.1 (considering that files are UnifiedFile's)?

Any help would be appreciated!

Jul 08, 2014 13:29

Some additional information:

- I'm using a demo license
- The EPiServer Find CMS Indexing Job reports that "Number of files indexed: 0", still the index contains 3000+ CMS files

Jul 08, 2014 13:59


The indexing job isn't actually indexing the page files, it just doesn't delete them from the index the way it does with VPP files. By manually deleting the files from the index I was able to get where I wanted:

client.Delete(f => f.GetType().Name.Exists() | !f.GetType().Name.Exists());

I'm marking my own reply as an answer, but if anyone have an explanation of why it doesn't delete the page file records as opposed to the VPP records I'll be happy to hear it!

Jul 09, 2014 15:03
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