In admin view, when I go to Find -> Manage (or Configure) I get a popup saying
"Something Went Wrong"
"Unable to connect to the web server. What would you like to do?"
In the web browser console the following error object is printed
message:"Unable to load /epiadmin/Find/api/bestbets/?tags=siteid%3A84BFAF5C52A349A0BC61A9FFB6983A66%2Clanguage%3A7D2DA0A9FC754533B091FA6886A51C0D&size=25&dojo.preventCache=1508240072128 status: 404"response:ObjectresponseText:""stack:"_3ee@http://localhost:60625/epiadmin/Find/ClientResources/dojo.js:2:105831_578@http://localhost:60625/epiadmin/Find/ClientResources/dojo.js:2:148152_584@http://localhost:60625/epiadmin/Find/ClientResources/dojo.js:2:148427status:404xhr: ...
My episerver find index string is correct, I know that because both indexing and searching works.
I have been trying to solve this problem for way too long now. I have been googling and searching on epiworld without any success.
Appreciate any help that I can get.
EpiFind version: 12.6.0
Episerver version: 10.10.4
The episerver version was updated from version 9 recently without any problems. The update was done before we decided to use Episerver find.
Hi Stanislav Pintjuk,
Is there any progress on this issue? I'm just wondering what the episerver.find.ui clientSideResourceBaseUrl in your site's web.config file is?
I have the same problem? Did anyone find a solution to this problem?
The Problem
In admin view, when I go to Find -> Manage (or Configure) I get a popup saying
"Something Went Wrong"
"Unable to connect to the web server. What would you like to do?"
In the web browser console the following error object is printed
message:"Unable to load /epiadmin/Find/api/bestbets/?tags=siteid%3A84BFAF5C52A349A0BC61A9FFB6983A66%2Clanguage%3A7D2DA0A9FC754533B091FA6886A51C0D&size=25&dojo.preventCache=1508240072128 status: 404"
xhr: ...
My episerver find index string is correct, I know that because both indexing and searching works.
I have been trying to solve this problem for way too long now. I have been googling and searching on epiworld without any success.
Appreciate any help that I can get.
Project Information
EpiFind version: 12.6.0
Episerver version: 10.10.4
The episerver version was updated from version 9 recently without any problems. The update was done before we decided to use Episerver find.