Disable .FilterOnCurrentSite() for UnifiedSearch


Is there a way to disable the default filtering .FilterOnCurrentSite() for UnifiedSearch?

I'm building a search feature where it will be optional to filter by site.

This post describes a way of doing it but I wonder if there's a way to just disable that specific filter without have to redefine the rest?


Nov 26, 2018 14:24

Ended up copying some decompiled Episerver code and disabling  .FilterOnCurrentSite() in the .PublicSearchFilter()

This should be placed in an InitializableModule.

// Code from CmsUnifiedSearchSetUp.cs in Episerver.Find.Cms DLL 13.0.5
var cmsUnifiedSearchSetup = new EPiServer.Find.Cms.CmsUnifiedSearchSetUp();

    .PublicSearchFilter((Func<IClient, ISearchContext, Filter>)((c, ctx) => (Filter)c.BuildFilter<IContentData>()
    .CustomizeIndexProjection(new Func<IndexProjectionBuilder, IndexProjectionBuilder>(cmsUnifiedSearchSetup.CustomizeIndexProjectionForPageData))
    .CustomizeProjection(new Func<HitProjectionBuilder, HitProjectionBuilder>(cmsUnifiedSearchSetup.CustomizeProjectionForPageData));

    .PublicSearchFilter((Func<IClient, ISearchContext, Filter>)((c, ctx) => (Filter)c.BuildFilter<IContentData>()
    .CustomizeIndexProjection(new Func<IndexProjectionBuilder, IndexProjectionBuilder>(cmsUnifiedSearchSetup.CustomizeIndexProjectionForMediaData))
    .CustomizeProjection(new Func<HitProjectionBuilder, HitProjectionBuilder>(cmsUnifiedSearchSetup.CustomizeProjectionForMediaData));

// Code from CmsUnifiedSearchSetUp.cs in Episerver.Find.Cms DLL 13.0.5
private string GetLanguage(ISearchContext context)
    if (context.Payload.ContainsKey("Culture") && context.Payload["Culture"].IsNotNull())
        return ((CultureInfo)context.Payload["Culture"]).Name;
    if (context.ContentLanguage == null || context.ContentLanguage == Language.None)
        return Languages.AllLanguagesSuffix;
    return context.ContentLanguage.FieldSuffix;

Jan 15, 2019 11:23
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