Epi customFilter + WithinDistanceFrom


Hi all!

I'm struggling to find a solution for my custom filter. I need to search through the objects where every object has a collection of GeoLocations. I need to check the items of the collection and grab the object which has at least one GeoLocation in defined radius. I need something like this (request is wrong):

  FilterBuilder = SearchClient.Instance.BuildFilter().And(x => x.GeoLocations.Where(n=>n.WithinDistanceFrom(location, radius)));

Thanks in advance!

Sep 03, 2018 10:48

Hi Olga,

I think this is what you're looking for https://world.episerver.com/documentation/developer-guides/find/NET-Client-API/searching/Geo-Search/ ?

Hope this help,

/Son Do

Edited, Sep 04, 2018 3:02
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