Episerver Find Typed search and fallback languages


We have a customer that has limited content available in English. If content is not available in English then they want to fallback to Dutch. So far so good, and in the CMS itself this works fine. However, when using Find to get a list of all pages of a specific type we can only get pages back in the current language without fallback. According to this page on Episerver World we can get results from a different language by calling InLanguageBranch, but here we can only specify a single language branch. We need GetContentResult to get the content in English if available, otherwise use the CMS setting for language fallback to get the Dutch version.

Is this possible at all? If so, how?

Mar 15, 2019 12:43

Figured it out, we shouldn't be doing a FilterForVisitor and instead do ExcludeDeleted and FilterOnReadAccess. This skips PublishedInCurrentLanguage and thus fixes our problem.

Mar 15, 2019 13:47
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