Hi Dileep,
TryGet will return the result as Ture or False so you can get in any variable then check it with if condition.
var searchQuery = this._client.Search<T>(); var value= _contentLoader.TryGet<IContent>(optionalContent, out var ContentToFilter); if(value) { searchQuery = searchQuery.Filter(f => !f.ContentLink.Match(ContentToFilter.ContentLink)) }
Then apply the other logic.
Hope it helps
Ravindra S. Rathore
I have an EPI find query as below
multisearch = multisearch.Search<GenericPage, SearchHitResult>(s => s
.Filter(f => !f.ContentLink.Match(ContentToFilter.ContentLink))
.Skip((page - 1) * pageSize)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.ArticleDate)
The ContentToFilter is a Page type which I get using content loader as shown below:
_contentLoader.TryGet<IContent>(optionalContent, out var ContentToFilter);
There is a possibility that TryGet will result in null and then the filter line will throw exception. How do I check for null content before applying this filter.