As you have noticed FindDocument is created by FindSearchProvider, which is likely the case that you have FindSearchProvider configured in Commerce Manager. FindDocument is a wrapper for indexing catalog content in CM, as CM does not know or understand about content types.
Hi Quan, thanks for your answer. We do have two Mediachase.Search.config files, one for the Commerce Manager and one for the Web project. They both look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SearchProviders defaultProvider="FindSearchProvider">
<add name="FindSearchProvider"
type="EPiServer.Commerce.FindSearchProvider.FindSearchProvider, EPiServer.Commerce.FindSearchProvider"
<Indexers basePath="[appDataPath]">
<add name="catalog"
type="EPiServer.Commerce.FindSearchProvider.FindSearchIndexBuilder, EPiServer.Commerce.FindSearchProvider" />
We tried to remove the Indexer from the Commerce Manager config, and the FindDocument did actually disappear for a while but then came back shortly after. Does it have to be configured differently? The documentation doesn't really mention it, but maybe I'm also misunderstanding how it works. I'm not too familiar with Find.
You should change the defaultProvider to something else than FindSearchProvider - both CM and the frontend/CMS/Web. One possible option is to use the LuceneSearchProvider. Clear your index and reindex should clear them.
I also suggest to do a solution wide (with external files) for FindSearchProvider to make sure you didn't unintentionally leave it somewhere
Sorry, I found another Mediachase.Search.config, this time in the Commerce project, not CommerceManager. Here we are using Lucene Search.
Does it need to be excluded here instead, or would it make sense to completely remove the Search from CommerceManager?
As long as you change the defaultProvider and the Indexers, it's good enough (But if you don't use FindSearchProvider at all, removing it entirely would make sense)
I'm facing an issue where our Find Index is full of FindDocument document types (EPiServer.Commerce.FindSearchProvider.FindDocument, EPiServer.Commerce.FindSearchProvider, to be precise) and it's more than twice the number of items then the remaining document types.
I found a blog post about indexing catalog content, which we are already doing, and a commenter described that he had the same issue with the double FindDocument items. There have been no further comments since 2014 though:
Is there any solution to getting rid of those types from the Index?
We're on version 13.3 of Find.
Best, Johannes