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How to link a collection of custom IContent types under a page?



I'm a bit lost here with this new EpiServer 7 and its IContent model. Could someone please explain me some things.

Here's an example what I'm trying to do. I want a list of services somewhere and I need to be able to create (service) stations and link services to them.

    public class Service : IContent
        // IContent boilerplate

        // Some properties like
        public virtual bool UseInSearch { get; set; }

    [ContentType(DisplayName = "StationPage", GUID = "7bc4dc60-fad0-43e4-8ed3-4f5b697aabf1", Description = "")]
    [AvailablePageTypes(IncludeOn = new[] { typeof(StationFolderPage) })]
    public class StationPage : BasePageData
        // Some properties like station's address and phone number

        // Here I need a list of Services

In Epi6 I would've created Service-class as Page Type and then custom property to hold a list of Services but now in Epi7 I don't know how to do this. I want to create Service as IContent, since it doesn't have a template and is never rendered to user.

I went through the API but found nothing like ContentReferenceCollection, allthough I found ContentReference. I tried to use PageReferenceCollection but that keeps saying me that it cannot be mapped to a PropertyDefinitionType. I'm not even sure if this is the correct way to link custom IContent stuff to the pages.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Jan 17, 2013 14:19

Without having tried it my self bit could you use a property of type LinkItemCollection?

You could then use IPermanentLinkMapper to get permanentlinks to your items which you then can store in the collection.

We have in our backlog a story that we should support collections of types (e.g. String, ContentReference etc) but I cant promise anything if/when that will be available.

Jan 17, 2013 15:13

Unless I've misunderstood the problem I would use a ContentArea.

Jan 17, 2013 16:42

I didn't think of ContentArea but of course that is a much better alternative. It is much nicer to work with than LinkItemCollection.

Jan 17, 2013 20:14

Ah. Thank you. ContentArea seems to do the trick.

Next thing is that editor needs to be able to drag my custom Service contents to the ContentArea. I thought about writing a gui plugin which lists all the custom IContents on the site, just like the one that lists Blocks. I'll get back to you if and when I stumble to any new problems :)


Jan 18, 2013 6:56
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