Having problems getting the publish button to work correctly, I have created a page content type, created some content of that type but then add an extra property e.g. Boolean, then go back to the content and checkmark the Boolean but unable to get the Publish button as the system believes it has not changed. If I create new content of that type it works fine but not for content created before the additional property. Is this a cache issue or a bug? Has anyone else had similar issues?
Having problems getting the publish button to work correctly, I have created a page content type, created some content of that type but then add an extra property e.g. Boolean, then go back to the content and checkmark the Boolean but unable to get the Publish button as the system believes it has not changed. If I create new content of that type it works fine but not for content created before the additional property. Is this a cache issue or a bug? Has anyone else had similar issues?