Custom Visitor Group enum dropdown not populating


Hello everyone

I'm building a custom visitor group but the match criteria drop down doesn't populate from an enum. I'm coding as the following

    public class SearchParameterModel : CriterionModelBase
        [Required, DojoWidget(SelectionFactoryType = typeof(EnumSelectionFactory))]
        public SearchValueCondition Condition { get; set; }

        public string Value { get; set; }

        public override ICriterionModel Copy()
            return base.ShallowCopy();

    public enum SearchValueCondition

but the dojowidget doesn't pick up the enum and i can't see why and I can't see how to debug further. 

If a create a custom selection factory like this

    public class CustomSelectionFactory : ISelectionFactory
        IEnumerable<SelectListItem> ISelectionFactory.GetSelectListItems(Type property)
            return Enum.GetNames(property).Select(n => new SelectListItem { Text = n, Value = n });

Then it will populate (horray) but when I go in to edit a saved criteria then the item the user selected is lost and needs to be readded (booooo). If I could get either one working then I'd be happy but at the moment neither works fully

As anyone got any advice/tips . As always all help sis gratefully received

Many Thanks.

Nov 27, 2013 13:24

Hi Tim,

First thing I can say with your version 1 is: You will get missing text (because in EnumSelectionFactory will use LocalizationService to get text for each value)

2nd version should cast value to int like this:

return new SelectListItem
                    Text = n,
                    Value = ((int)n).ToString()



Hope that help!

Ha Bui


Nov 28, 2013 7:55

Thanks you for that. Unfortunately the code won't compile so I changed to 

 return Enum.GetNames(property).Select(n => new SelectListItem
                Text = n,
                Value = Convert.ToInt32(n).ToString()

But this causes the visitor group to crash with 'input string is not in correct format'

With the first version - the localisation service should pick up from an aml file in language. But i have one with the below format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <language name="en" id="en">
                <startswith>Starts with</startswith>

Is that wrong?

Any other thoughts would be really appreciated

Edited, Nov 28, 2013 11:13

Actually i don;t need this to be perfect so I have just associated it with the actual instance of the enum. Works fine but won't win prizes

    public class SearchValueSelectionFactory : ISelectionFactory
        IEnumerable<SelectListItem> ISelectionFactory.GetSelectListItems(Type property)
            return new List<SelectListItem>
                new SelectListItem
                    Text = "Match",
                    Value = ((int)SearchValueCondition.Match).ToString()
                new SelectListItem
                    Text = "Starts With",
                    Value = ((int)SearchValueCondition.StartsWith).ToString()


Nov 28, 2013 11:41

Hi Tim,

Why you don't keep calm and write down correct structure in your xml lang file?

Because you just follow by error message (Missing Text ...) is enough!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <language name="English" id="en">
                <startswith>Start With</startswith>


Any way, if you just want to show it then ok! ;)


Ha Bui

Nov 29, 2013 4:03
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