Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
It should be enough with the eableScheduler=false. How does it show that it doesn't work?
We're downloading files, and they are downloaded to the server where it's set to false. Perhaps that's unrelated then - I thought they'd be downloaded to the server where the job ran.
I was sure I hade used this in an EPiServer 7 site but I couldn't have because it seems that it doesn't work to set the enableScheduler="false" on the sitesettings.
Hi, we have a load balanced environment (EPiServer 7) and I'm not sure how to get the scheduled jobs to run on one server only. I've updated siteSettings with the enableScheduler="false" attribute on the server where I don't want the job to run, but it doesn't work. Is there anything else I need to do?